
ATD 0814195-ICE_Speaker_GraphicHere are some of the latest press coverage and events.

We’re presenting “Solving Your Talent Equation: The Moment Is Now” at ATD Conference

May 19, 2015

Don Maruska and Jay Perry have been chosen to present a session at the Association for Talent Development international conference in Washington, D.C. The conference draws over 10,000 leaders in talent development from around the world. This session engages participants in a lively and immediate way to clarify their unique abilities and give expression to them in ways that attract interest and support from others.

Here we are at the presentation. ATD 2015

Aha connector

Participants enjoyed creating their own “talent selfies” to project their brands and attract the opportunities they want.

Young Professionals Networking Group ignite to solve their talent equation

March 25, 2015Dennis rt

Want to get a group on fire? Invite them to be Talent Catalysts for one another to attract the opportunities they want. Do these look like powerful signals to help these folks get what they want?

Aliana rt


Portuguese translation of Take Charge of Your Talent now available

March 19, 2015

M. Books headquartered in Sao Paulo, Brazil, just released a Portuguese translation of the book.Take Charge in Portuguese

We are delighted that the more than 215 million native Portuguese speakers now have access to Take Charge of Your Talent.

Do you know anyone in Brazil (200 million), Portugal (10 million), or elsewhere who’d like to make greater use of their talent and have fun doing it?

We are eager to help.


Largest workshop turnout ever for Regional Training and Development Consortium

March 4, 2015Regional TD logo and tagline

Over 150 leaders in Silicon Valley local government attended the first of three workshops on Take Charge of Your Talent. Participants served as Talent Catalysts for one another to power up their talent stories. The room buzzed as attendees engaged their hopes and found new ways to access resources and opportunities.


Fast Company taps Take Charge insights in “The Risk-Adverse Person’s Guide to Taking a Chance”

October 3, 2014

Lindsay Lavine’s article quotes Don Maruska about how risks are present in all undertakings and the need to calibrate and navigate them to get what you want.Fast Company risk taking

You can read the article at

For more insights about healthy stretches, see the recent blog post on this site and Chapter 6 “Challenge Yourself to Stretch” in Take Charge of Your Talent.


Rotary Club embraces Take Charge of Your TalentRotary

October 1, 2014

Over 80 attended Rotary de Tolosa and buzzed with interest as they sampled being Talent Catalysts for one another. As Dan O’Hare, Program Chair reported, “The Take Charge of Your Talent presentation was a homerun with our Rotary Club. I highly recommend it for business and professional audiences and look forward to the opportunity of working with Don in the future.”


City of Concord uses Take Charge of Your Talent to boost talent developmentConcord

September 25, 2014

Top leaders and managers across the City of Concord (population 125,000 in SF East Bay area) participated in a 2.5 hour workshop sampling the three keys to thrive in their careers, organization, and life. Participants reported conversations continuing throughout the day back in their workplaces.


Central Coast Writers Conference features “Take Charge: Become the Hero of Your Talent Story” as closing keynoteCentral Coast Writers Conference

September 20, 2014

“Don Maruska’s presentation was the perfect choice to close the 30th Annual Central Coast Writers’ Conference. After a weekend of intensive workshops to develop and improve writing skills for aspiring and previously published authors, Maruska’s interactive session demonstrated specific actions to enhance a writers’ quest for productivity and personal achievement. I highly recommend his keynote for audiences looking for engaging, inspiring, and practical ways to make the most of their talent.” Judy Salamacha, Director 2010-2014


The CEO Magazine features “Power Profitability with a Starburst Approach to Talent Development”

July 2, 1014CEO Magazine

The CEO Magazine blog features an article by Don and Jay that guides CEO’s to tap the wealth of talent within their organizations. Read a real-life story about how this approach unleashed business-changing creativity and profitability.

Society of Actuaries features “Take Charge of Your Talent” for up and coming leadersSOA conference presentation web

June 24, 2014

If you think actuaries are boring, you are missing the boat. Their theme is “risk is opportunity.” With all of the innovations in health care delivery and health insurance, actuaries are at the heart of critical projections and make-or-break financial decisions. Don Maruska’s presentation at the Health 2014 Society of Actuaries conference in San Francisco highlighted how professionals can make the most of their talent in this once-in-a-lifetime “golden age for actuaries.”

Cuesta College President and Management Team begin Take Charge of Your Talent program

June 18, 2014Cuesta moving forward

Looking for ways to enliven the management team, Cuesta’s Management Senate chose the Take Charge of Your Talent program. This program fits with the critical role that college administrators play as stewards of their talent and the talent of the faculty, staff, and students they serve. The program will continue with the three core workshops in September and October with follow up in early 2015 to document results.

Managing Director of Accenture shares success of Take Charge of Your Talent at ASTD international ConferenceASTD 2014 image

May 5, 2014

Steve Brown, a Managing Director of a multi-national team in Accenture, teamed up with Don Maruska to present “Talent Development that Pays Off for Today’s Workforce” at the International Conference of ASTD (the world’s largest professional association for training and development). They reported that a diverse team spread across 13 locations around the globe gained an average 20% boost in use of talent and an increase in job satisfaction. Some individuals gained even higher personal results. Participants also documented creation of a whole catalogue of tangible career and organizational assets as win-wins for themselves and the business.


Creating a World that Works for All — Outreach to VietnamVietnam webinar

April 22, 2013

One of the joys of working with our publisher, Berrett-Koehler, is its commitment to “creating a world that works for all.” That inspired a webinar with Lan Bercu, native Vietnamese and author of “36 Strategies for Modern Business,” Jennifer Kahnweiler, author of “The Introverted Leader” and “Quiet Influence,” and Don Maruska, coauthor of “Take Charge of Your Talent.” We enjoyed the interest and eagerness of the Vietnamese audience for a discussion about “Become the Hero of Your Career in Vietnam.”

Talent Catalyst in Vietnamese is Talent Catalyst in Vietnamese


America’s job escalator is broken — KVEC taps expertise on talent challengesKVEC 2014-04-18

April 18, 2014

Guest Host Suzan Vaughn interviewed Don about what’s happening in the job market. He commented, “America’s job escalator that took people from entry level to rising opportunities is broken. Workers now need to ‘take the stairs’ to climb their way up.”

This is part of Take Charge of Your Talent’s ongoing outreach to stimulate today’s workforce to productive actions. The current environment requires personal initiative and mutual support to make the most of our talents and enjoy doing it.

Careers in Government features  “Take Charge of Your Career — Planning Your Next Step”Careers in Government

March 14, 2014

Look before you leap is the theme of this newsletter article. Whether you are looking for a job in government or a career elsewhere, you will benefit from being sure that you are running to something not running away from something, being clear about your hopes (not someone else’s) for your next step,  and exploring multiple options to zero in on the right fit for you. Read more at “Careers in Government” newsletter features “3 Keys to Unlocking Employee Talent”Entrepreneur

February 19, 2014

Our article ignited lively discussion at Readers especially commented on their frustrations with employers who just “don’t get” that there’s so much talent that could bubble up — if they’d just allow it to happen. Employers check out the keys to unlock this talent.


“Enterprising People” on NPR affiliate KCEP in Las Vegas interviews Take Charge of Your TalentKCEP

December 24, 2014

Enterprising People Business Radio Talk show host Kimberly Bailey-Tureaud interviewed Don Maruska on practical steps people can take to boost the use of their talent. A follow up article appear in the February 2014 issue of “Black Image” magazine.  Take Charge article in Black Image Magazine Feb. 2014

Switch and Shift video interviewHighly rated podcast features Take Charge of Your Talent

November 20, 2013

Shawn Murphy opens his segment with the following: “Employees are not cattle you drive to achieve results. This is a ‘mechanistic mindset that is long past its effectiveness.’ Authors Don Maruska and Jay Perry explore with me a more fulfilling take on achieving results by developing a relationship with employees and getting to know their hopes and goals.”

You can find this video interview at or subscribe to the “Work That Matters” podcast at


ASTD 2014 ConferenceASTD chooses Take Charge of Your Talent for 2014 International Conference in Washington, D.C.

November 18, 2013

ASTD, the world’s largest professional association dedicated to training and development, has selected “Talent Development That Pays Off for Today’s Workforce — practical process and case study” for presentation at its 2014 international conference. We are delighted that the more than 8,000 professionals attending the conference will have the opportunity to hear the results of the Take Charge of Your Talent program with an international team from Accenture. Steve Brown, Managing Director of Accenture, will join Don in the presentation.

Syndicated Column — Workwise — features Take Charge of Your Talent

November 18, 2013

Mildred Culp’s column “That job rejection you had may have nothing to do with you” included quote from Don. See

PCA rev“Talent Tapas” served to leadership team at Positive Coaching Alliance

November 7, 2013

Using a new take on “lunch and learn,” Don served up “Talent Tapas” to the leadership team at the Positive Coaching Alliance, an organization promoting positive values to over a million youths and coaches in sports throughout the U.S. [Photo above is with Jim Thompson, founder and CEO of PCA.] The session engaged the Silicon Valley team in sampling the insights and keys that deliver greater use of talent and increased personal satisfaction.
mindbody logoOver 1000 Talent Catalyst Conversations completed in high-tech firm

August 29, 2013

Don and Jay led workshops for employees throughout MindBody Online, the world’s leading provider of software as a service (SaaS) to health and wellness providers. Each MindBody team member not only learned about the neuroscience and psychology underlying the Take Charge of Your Talent program but also completed two Talent Catalyst Conversations — one as a participant and another as a Talent Catalyst for someone else. Rick Stollmeyer, CEO, commented afterwards: “This workshop was a ’home run.’” The firm is continuing with workshops for Key 2 (Accelerate through Obstacles) and Key 3 (Multiply the Payoffs for Yourself and Others).



Thompson interview 2013-07-29Blog Talk Radio features Take Charge of Your Talent

July 29, 2013

Robert Thompson and Mike Reiss interviewed Don for their 30-minute Thought Grenades program. They have interviewed many thought leaders including Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and more. Robert and Mike took special interest in how Talent Catalysts offer a fresh approach to stimulating talent development at all levels. They are already interested in a return interview to learn about the Take Charge of Your Talent movement, which is already active with leaders in five countries.

Listen to the interview at the following link:


WebEx TrainingTake Charge of Your Talent launches virtual training for world-wide reach

Accenture logoJuly 10, 2013

Deploying the latest e-learning and virtual training technologies and techniques, Take Charge of Your Talent began delivery of its Take Charge of Your Talent organizational program for virtual teams. Our goal is to create the virtual equivalent of richly engaging and productive in-person workshops. We chose WebEx Training as our platform and began a program that will span four months for a team at Accenture consisting of a senior director, three geographical managers, and 24 professionals across 11 countries. Early survey results show participants reporting high value in this virtual delivery format.


Don presents Take Charge of Your Talent to municipal leaders

Municipal management leaders put Take Charge of Your Talent into practice

May 24, 2013

Up and coming municipal management leaders from throughout Southern California gathered in Santa Barbara. The conference session on Take Charge of Your Talent attracted wide interest and gave participants samples of the three keys in practice for themselves.

Watch the brief video clip of a participant’s observations: Yoko Igawa shares her experience


Talent Catalyst in VietnameseBook signing with publisher Berrett-Koehler at ASTD conference

May 20, 2013

It was fun selling Take Charge of Your Talent right from BK’s booth in the Exposition Hall. People from the presentation the day before and others came by and purchased books. We also heard interest in additional translations and bulk purchases. Thank you, BK, for all you do!


Don Maruska presenting Take Charge of Your Talent at ASTD Int’l Conference

Presentation at ASTD conference draws international interest

May 19, 2013

Over 100 people attended Don’s presentation, “Take Charge of Your Talent: Engage Employee Self-Motivation Successfully,” at the International Conference.  Most importantly, there was great enthusiasm in the session and around the conference in learning more about the book and workshops to put it into practice. After the session and in the hallways, people from across the United States as well as the Bahamas, Canada, China, India, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, and the UK asked for more information.



“Must Not Miss” book distinction from ASTD (the world’s largest professional association dedicated to training and development)

May 16, 2013

Take Charge of Your Talent has earned the distinction of “Must Not Miss” from ASTD, the world’s largest professional association dedicated to training and development. We’re delighted to receive this recognition from leaders in the field.

The review appears in the May 16 edition of the ASTD Learning Executive Briefing.


Make 2013 your best year yet

March 7, 2013

This one-hour, quick start webinar guides you to boost your talent and fulfillment. The webinar lays out easy ways to access the keys, responds to participants’ questions, and identifies issues and solutions for each of us to make 2013 our best year yet.

Click here to enjoy: Take Charge of Your Talent — make 2013 your best year yet


Business Book Review selects book as one of the very best business books.

March 5, 2013

Business Book Review has chosen “Take Charge of Your Talent” as one of the best business books for summary and review. It will develop a professionally written, concise synopsis of key concepts in the book for publication.



280 business leaders power up with “Take Charge of Your Talent”

February 28, 2013

A gathering of 280 business and civic leaders at Good Morning SLO meeting of the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce listened attentively to learn about the keys to taking charge of their talent. The room was abuzz as everyone participated in an impromptu table top exercise to spark their talent by asking one another the first question in the Talent Catalyst Conversation–”What are your hopes for your talent?”

Click here for the 10-minute video clip: Take Charge of Your Talent–in Action–a quick start demonstration

“Don Maruska’s presentation about Take Charge of Your Talent riveted the attention of 280 business and civic leaders at our February 2013 meeting. His positive message about how anyone, at any time, and anywhere can take charge of his or her talent came across like a breath of fresh air. What really impressed me was that he didn’t just talk about the ideas. Within minutes he had everyone in the room engaged in lively Talent Catalyst Conversations with one another. I’ve heard great ‘buzz’ about this session for months. This is an excellent presentation to help people in their businesses and communities move forward.” ~ Ermina Karim, President and CEO, San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce

Audio book version to become available within 10 months

February 28, 2013

Gildan Media has acquired the audio rights for “Take Charge of Your Talent” to produce an audio book and audio digital distribution within 10 months. Gildan Media publishes works by Brian Tracy, Richard Branson, and dozens of other authors.

Busy people told us they wanted to access the book’s insights while they are on the go. Get your mp3s ready!




Portuguese translation coming for Brazil’s 197 million people

February 26, 2013

M.Books doBrasil Editora Ltda has acquired the Portuguese translation rights for “Take Charge of Your Talent” to do a paperback edition, pocket edition, and ebook. This will be great opportunity for the population of one of the most vibrant countires in the southern hemisphere to learn the three keys. It’s another step forward in the Take Charge 20/20 Vision that “by 2020, twenty million people across twenty countries will have the keys to take charge of their talent, with at least 20 percent of these people being from traditionally underserved populations–like prisions, inner-city schools, and developing countries.”

We look forward to engaging professionals in Brazil who would like to become Certified Talent Champions to help accelerate opportunities in their country.

Viva Brasil!


Local government finance directors participate enthusiastically in “Take Charge of Your Talent” session at annual conference.

February 21, 2013

Finance directors and up and coming talent from cities, counties, and special districts in California attended the session featuring “Take Charge of Your Talent.” The Chair of the Career Development Committee who served as moderator for the session noted, “Everyone appplying for a job ought to tap these tools before entering the job interview.”  He and other participants not only learned about the keys but also sampled using them in the 75-minute conference session that Don Maruska led.


HarperCollins India to publish an edition of “Take Charge of Your Talent.”

February 6, 2013

We’re delighted to hear that HarperCollins India will be printing a special edition of the book for India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. This is a great opportunity for the people, businesses, government agencies, community organizations, NGOs, and coaching professionals active in this region of 1.45 billion population. We are eager to reach the Asian subcontinent as part of the Take Charge 20/20 Vision: By 2020, 20 million people across twenty countries will have the keys to take charge of their talent, with at least 20 percent of these people being from traditionally underserved populations–like prisons, inner-city schools, and developing countries. Thank you, Berrett-Koehler and HarperCollins for teaming up on this endeavor.


Jim Kouzes records exclusive interview with Don and Jay about “How to Be a Talent Leader.”

January 29, 2013

Jim Kouzes’ thoughtful Foreword for “Take Charge of Your Talent” has generated such interest among readers that we asked Jim to share his thoughts further with us. In this 40-minute discussion we address the following questions that readers have raised: What are the roles of leaders and employees in talent development? How do leadership and talent development activities evolve as someone moves from entry level to first-time supervisor to senior manager and beyond? What are the three fundamental truths that you see underlying the book and how can readers overcome the obstacles to embracing them?

This interview is one of the special gifts in the Early Bird Offer for people who purchase the book by February 15, 2013:



Bill Kearney features “Take Charge of Your Talent” on “Financial Spectrum” program of Concord, NH News Radio

January 29, 2013

The Bill Kearney interview focused on the real source of wealth–our talent. While financial markets may rise and fall, your talent knows no ups or downs. Hear how you can boost your returns. Here’s the interview: Bill Kearney interview


Michael Dresser radio show interviews Don and Jay about “Take Charge of Your Talent”

January 23, 2013

Michael Dresser shaed his enthusiasm about the book. As he said during the interview, “You guys bring the invisible to the table.” He understood the importance of the carefully-designed questions in the Talent Catalyst Conversation citing a mentor of his who said, “If you ask the wrong questions, you may get correct information, but you’ll get the wrong results.”

Enjoy the 20-minute interview.Don Maruska and Jay Perry-1-23-2013


News talk radio station KVEC 920 am has hour-long discussion of “Take Charge of Your Talent” with readers calling in and asking questions.

January 22, 2013

Radio talk show host and award-winning author, Dave Congalton, invited Don to talk about the book and share stories and examples of people enjoying successful results. Callers, including some who have read the book, asked questions about how to implement these practices in the competitive business world. Don even helped the host with keys from the book to assist Dave in pursuing his hopes to deliver speeches based upon his screenwriting successes.

Listen to the interview: Maruska-Congalton interview


Barnes & Noble features “Take Charge of Your Talent” in its top stores throughout the U.S.

January 15-28, 2013

Barnes & Noble has picked “Take Charge of Your Talent” as a key book to feature on its New Releases table in its top stores. In support of this promotion, we have added an extra opportunity for in-store purchases in our “Early Bird Offer.” Anyone who buys the book in a B&N store by February 15, 2013, will be eligible for a drawing to win one of four $25 Barnes & Noble gift certificates. This is in addition to the four special gifts for book purchasers from any source. See for details.

Don appears here with Store Manager, Leigh, in San Luis Obispo, CA.



Business on Main publishes excerpt from “Take Charge of Your Talent” for Microsoft Small Business Owners

January 15, 2013

“The Not-So-Hidden Secret to Small-Business Success” article is a 1000-word excerpt from “Take Charge of Your Talent.”

From the eidtors: The authors of ‘Take Charge of Your Talent’ help you identify the valuable resources all around you — from staff to technology to friends — and use them to grow a successful business.

Learn the Resource Power Up, one of many tools in Key #2: Accelerate Through Obstacles, in “Take Charge of Your Talent.”

Full article appears at


“Take Charge of Your Talent” is featured in interview with Connie Martinson on syndicated cable TV program, “Talks Books.”

January 10, 2013

Connie Martinson interviews of authors includes Barack Obama, Al Gore, and Louis L’Amour and many others. She did a 15-minute interview with coauthor Don Maruska in her studio in Los Angeles. Connie focused on the power of people to take charge of their talent and shift their talent stories for good. See the interview at


Nationally syndicated WorkWise column features “Take Charge of Your Talent” as innovative way to boost careers.

December 16, 2012An excerpt from Mildred Culp”s column, which features a photo of coauthor Don Maruska with a client, notes: ” Don Maruska and Jay Perry’s “Take Charge of Your Talent: Three Keys to Thriving in Your Career, Organization and Life” explains an intriguing method for identifying direction (forthcoming, Berrett-Koehler, January, 2013). Defining talent as “the joyful demonstration of your unique abilities that benefit both you and the world,” it proposes recruiting a “Talent Catalyst” among people you know at home or work.”

Investor’s Business Daily features Maruska and Perry and Take Charge of Your Talent

Amy Alexander featured Don and Jay for the story “Talent Builds Google, Microsoft and You.”

2 Comments » for News
  1. holly brock cohn says:

    Just bought and started reading take charge of your talent . WOW! Fabulous.

  2. Don & Jay says:

    Thanks, Holly. That’s much appreciated praise from a great HR leader.

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