Are you expecting too much from your job?

5411945096_a4922d9f3c_zIt’s normal to feel that the bloom is off the rose after a time on a new job. It’s what you do about it that determines whether you live in frustration or move forward in fulfilling ways.

Think of your talent and career like a story. It has many chapters. As in any good novel, you have some chapters that are fun and exhilarating and others that pose challenges you need to overcome. If you expect your job to be an unending bed of roses, you are bound for frustration … and, frankly, you won’t have a very interesting talent story to tell.

If you feel stuck in a chapter that you don’t like, it’s time to power up your talent story. Look for a friend, coworker, or coach to be a catalyst for you to plumb your hopes for your work and help you see new resources and opportunities to fulfill them.


Photo by: Bob AuBuchon

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