
We invite you to tap the Take Charge of Your Talent Community.

As a member of the community, you will:

  • Receive latest insights and useful tips.
  • Get links to talent videos as soon as they are posted.
  • Receive invitations to special events (local gatherings, global reach teleconferences, webinars, etc.)
  • Have an opportunity to describe your talent experiences and insights. We want to learn from you.
  • Inspire yourself and others. Share your results with the Take Charge of Your Talent program.  Both you and others will benefit.

We will never share your name or email address with anyone unless you ask us to do so.

Tap the Take-Charge Community

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Why You Count and Why Being Counted Matters

While Take Charge of Your Talent focuses on putting talent development into each person’s hands, it is so much easier to express your talent fully when you work, play, and live in a supportive culture. “Stop banging on the piano, Wolfie!” probably wasn’t something heard often in the Mozart household.

As you share ideas and encourage each other, you strengthen your resolve. Those around you notice the energy and results and want to join. Thus, a community of talent development begins to emerge.


Make 2013 your best year yet — one-hour, quick start webinar available for viewing 24/7

This one-hour, quick start webinar guides you to boost your talent and fulfillment. The webinar lays out easy ways to access the keys, responds to participants’ questions, and identifies issues and solutions for each of us to make 2013 our best year yet.

Click here to enjoy: Take Charge of Your Talent — make 2013 your best year yet


Watch These Talent Stories … and share your own

We’re enjoying interviewing people about their life experiences related to the three keys of Take Charge of Your Talent. We hope their stories inspire you on your journey and encourage you to share your own examples. Send links to your videos to and help others in the Take Charge Community gain insights and encouragement from you.

1. What’s something you’ve done to take charge of your talent?

Rod Wood, City Manager Beverly Hills, CA (retired), now interim City Manager, Indian Wells, CA


Maria Kelly, Community Relations Specialist, MidAmerican Energy Company

2. What’s helped you accelerate through obstacles?

Karen Pinkos, Assistant City Manager, El Cerrito, CA


3. How have you multiplied the payoffs for yourself and others?

Karin Cake, volunteer, Life Long Learners of the Central Coast


Kelsey Worthy, Assistant City Manager, San Pablo, CA features “3 Keys to Unlocking Employee Talent”
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